wordpress – how to show first attachment

add this to your theme’s “functions.php” page:

function list_first_image() {
$files = get_children('post_parent='.get_the_ID().'&post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=image');
if($files) :
$keys = array_reverse(array_keys($files));
$num = $keys[$j];
$image=wp_get_attachment_image($num, 'large', false);
$imagepieces = explode('"', $image);
$imagepath = $imagepieces[1];
print " '$thumb' ";

alternatively you can also pass along some size requirements. this is the one that’s in use under each ‘single post’ on www.myconfinedspace.com :

function get_first_image() {
$files = get_children('post_parent='.get_the_ID().'&post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=image');
if($files) :
$keys = array_reverse(array_keys($files));
$num = $keys[$j];
$image=wp_get_attachment_image($num, 'large', false);
$imagepieces = explode('"', $image);
$imagepath = $imagepieces[1];
print "";

once you have either of those added to your functions.php file, you can call them using :


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